
Fischer Pool Table Serial Numbers

  1. Fisher Pool Tables Prices

Mine is a 32x64 coin op slate table. I cut a set of cushion blocks to fit and had some fun with the mouth openings because no one could make a ball on the tinny pockets that I did have in place before the table is where it is now and the new players/beer drinkers at the new location I have it set up at demanded bigger pockets' so I did just that but I put some death rattle angles on em on purpose' lol and shrunk the side pockets way up.

Fischer pool table serial number lookup

Fisher Pool Tables Prices

I did all kinds of work on that table and only kept it because I thought it was a unique table or else it would of been steeping stones to be cut and a fire started. The chutes are sheet metal runs with some aluminum and wood gussets. Enjoy' - Rob.M.

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