
Motobecane Serial Number Decoder

I've checked out those exact sites back in 2009 when I originally posted my photos of the Super Mirage. Comparing the catalog photos and spec sheets, I determined it is a '77. Well, there you go, then. Seems like you already know the answer. It can sometimes be difficult to nail down exact year of manufacture on these things as they rolled over both old photos and specs in some catalogs, and components may have fluctuated a bit from catalog specs depending on availability. T-Mar 09-02-13 10:28 AM.

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Motobecane serial number lookup

Our free VIN decoder allows you to enter any VIN to view all the records related to that make and model. DECODE ANY VIN NUMBER FOR FREE. A Sugino Maxy crank with a code of G-5 (1977, month 5) is on Fraser Docherty's Nishiki Olympic from 1977 (serial number starting KK indicating US market year 77). The Sugino Mighty crank from Bob Klein's 1979 Centurion Semi-Pro is marked F-11 (1976, month 11). Reported by Tom Sustarich.