No sure if I put this in the right place or not. Here goes nothing.
I recently obtained a willem eprom programmer pcb5.0e. Currently running. Need help with willem eprom pcb 5. But I can't seem to download the first one on. Willem EPROM Programmer. Download Program read file *.pdf. Software can run on New & Old(Original willem Eprom) schematic. Jun 20, 2018 - Download Program read file *.pdf. Software can run on New & Old(Original willem Eprom) schematic. Pcb5.0E Willem Eprom Programmer.
I recently obtained a willem eprom programmer pcb5.0e. Currently running Willem Eprom PCB5.0C (0.98D8) software.
My question is do I need drivers for this programmer and is this the right software to run this programmer. When I got it, it didn't come with the software and if their was a driver didn't get it. The software I got off the internet and really not sure if its the right one. Installed the software and when I try to connect the programmer to it. I get an error message 'Hardware error: check power and connections.'