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Hola buenos dias, Lei todos los comentarios y segui los pasos como son, estan descargados perfectamente los archivos1 y 2 y al momento de descomprimir la parte 1 me dice que la contrasena no es correcta, tambien lo intente con la parte 2 y tampoco funciona, me aparece esta leyenda; C: Users SUSANA Downloads AUTOCAD CIVIL 3D 2015-64bits -ingles.part2.rar: Checksum error in the encrypted file Autodesk_Civil_2015_English_Win_64bit.exe. Corrupt file or wrong password. Dice parte 2 pero lo estaba descomprimiendo de la parte 1 y dice lo mismo en la parte 2, tambien estan ambas partes en una carpeta y la contrasena que ingreso es la que dice.
Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D 2015 x64 + 2014 x64 + 2013 x86/x64 [Full Version Direct link] AutoCAD Civil 3D software is a wonderful, very user friendly and efficient for civil engineers and professional technicians in Planning and Building Information Modeling (BIM) and documented project plan is implemented. This software can be used in all phases of a project including design, coordinate, analyze project performance, evaluate options, and the most useful projects such as urban development and planning and the implementation of road transport A dry to very advanced and developed, Water Resources Engineering (Hmchmvn storage, and transfer of canal water, sewage, waste collection, conducting surface water and wastewater Azbarsh) and can be used. Software Autocad Civil and Urban Development and ranking of various layers in the application and use it in a simple to use advanced design has not been fully recognized.