Xone K2 Traktor Mapping Downloads
I have a question, I just downloaded this mapping (Great btw), I did one change and I made the high's and high kills my filters since I don't use the hi's mid's and low's. Will change the mids and lows at some point. Anyway, I am wondering if anyone of you guys know of a site/place or company where I may purchase or create a template for the actual controller.
Like a sticker decal that shows me my command assignments. Like what I have my knobs, leds, faders and pads below set to. I play live in a couple weeks and personally don't feel to confident that I will have everything memorized by then.
Any info PLEASE email it to me at: Cereal.astral@gmail.com It will be GREATLY appreciated.
Xone K2 Mapping
Allen & Heath Xone:K2. Control any Midi software. The Xone:K2 has an 1/8″ headphone jack. With the mixer and with a custom traktor mapping you are back up.
This MAC software version is not compatible with older foot switch RS-25, only the RS-27. Functions include USB file download, file playback, editing files, conversion of WMA and DSS format files to AIFF format, archiving files, and splitting and joining files.